
[IPHONE APP] SAGE Calc release on App Store

Hi everybody,

we, at SwAggY Entertainment, are really proud to announce the release of our first iPhone application on the App Store.
Its name : SAGE Calc.
What does it mean ? SAGE means Sit And Go Ending and Calc is for Calculator.
The purpose of SAGE Calc is to provide poker tournament players with a tool based on the well known SAGE method to help them to make the best decisions during the final heads up of their poker tournaments and sit and gos.
SAGE Calculation takes as inputs the big blind value and the smallest stack value at the table as well as you pocket cards. It computes a strength for your hand and indicates to you if your best move is to go allin (if you are the first to act), to call your opponent's allin (if he acts first) or to fold if your hand is too weak.

Using SAGE Calc you will be able to improve your skills in heads up confrontation. And when you look at the gap between prizes for 1st and 2nd places you can easily understand why it is so important to have an edge on your opponent at the end of the match.

SAGE Calc is a very simple application to use and we designed it in an original way so you will certainly enjoy using it during your SNGs and tournaments.

You can download SAGE Calc by following those links :

on App Store US :

on App Store France :

Here are some screenshots :

You can also try SAGE Calc by installing the Lite version that you will find here :

on App Store US :

on App Store France :

So don't hesitate and follow the steps :

1- be curious
2 - install SAGE Calc
3 - improve your game
4 - ?
5 - PROFITS !!

And please, make sure to rate SAGE Calc on the app store. Rates are very important for indy developers like us so don't hesitate (and be advised that we LOVE the 5 stars ratings :-D )

Regarding our future, our next application is almost completed and another one is on its way but we will talk about it in a few weeks.
Oh yeah ! SwAggY is hot like the weather so stay tuned !

SwAggY Entertainement


Incoming SwAggY iPhone applications

Hi everyone,

SwAggY is currently working on two iPhone applications that are planned to be released in the coming weeks. To tell you the truth we wanted to stay silent until their official launch date but we are so excited that we can not resist to talk about them (but just the minimum talk, details will come later)

1- The first one is a poker application. It is a strategy tool that will help the players to improve their game at the hand of a Sit N Go (SNG) or a tournament (MTT).
It will be the first SwAggY application available on the app store and it is compatible for both iPhone and iPad.
As soon as the app is approved by Apple and is added in the app store we will come back here to present it in full details.

2- The second one is a game application focused on dogs.
At SwAggY we love dogs (and tigers obviously :-) ) and we have decided to dedicate a full iPhone app to those little friendly doggies. So be prepared to get this app in the coming weeks. If you love dogs, you will certainly enjoy this app. And even if you don't like them (shame on you, dogs are so cute !) you will probably have fun by playing the games we put in the app.
We don't give details for the moment (too much paranoïd !) but we will be back soon to present it deeply with many screenshots and probably a video to show you the gameplay.

We have also other projects in mind (we plan to get busy for many months with the current numerous projects we are working on) and we will speak about them here in proper time.

Stay tuned ;)



Lancement du client multi plates-formes Lol Tracker

SwAggY a le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement de l'application pour PC et Mac Lol Tracker disponible sur le site du même nom : http://www.lol-tracker.fr/

Cet outil va rapidement s'avérer indispensable pour les joueurs de l'excellent League Of Legends (jeu mixant stratégie et RPG inspiré du mod DotA (Defense of the Ancients) de Warcraft III).
Lol Tracker permet aux nombreux joueurs de Lol d'uploader de la manière la plus simple qui soit leurs logs du jeu. Ces logs, traités par Lol Tracker, site créé et administré de main de maître par Malica, permettent ensuite aux joueurs d'analyser leurs statistiques de jeu et de se jauger par rapport au reste de la communauté.

Auparavant, la procédure de transmission des logs au site Lol Tracker était fastidieuse et réservée à un public averti. Dorénavant, avec Lol Tracker installable sur PC, tout est simple et transparent pour l'utilisateur qui n'a plus qu'à cliquer sur un bouton pour que l'envoi s'effectue.

Quelques screenshots de l'application :

Si vous êtes un joueur de League Of Legends, n'hésitez pas à installer Lol Tracker car il va vour permettre de vivre l'aventure de manière encore plus enrichissante qu'auparavant.

C'est Hauru, notre meilleur joueur de Lol chez SwAggY qui est l'auteur de cette application. Lol Tracker est notre première création et quelques autres sont déjà en chemin mais plutôt côté iPhone apps donc restez connectés pour de plus amples informations. Merci de nous suivre dans notre périple.

Bon jeu à tous

SwAggY Entertainment


Creation of the SwAggY blog

Hi everyone and welcome on the SwAggY blog

here we will let you know about every SwAggY products we are working on.
We will talk about their development, their releases and many other news about SwAggY

So I hope you will enjoy this blog and add it to your favorites ;)

We will be back soon to talk about the launch of our first app on the app store. It is scheduled to come in the next weeks so stay tuned ;)
